Hello there strangers. Welcome to my site. You're allowed to read my side and I hope you've got some inspiration by it. But,remember saying shit things about my site is not allowed. Hehe.
There's alot of things that i have been through my life. There's trouble happen everywhere. Happiness comes along just only like for a second. Then,back to the trouble again. Like im 16 years old. And they act like i'm 6 years old. Ouh,you cannot do that!Ouh,you cannot eat that!Ouh,you cannot wear that!Ouh,you cannot friend with them!Ou,you cannot go out with your friends!Ouh,you cannot friends with guy like that type! Just,when will they STOP?
Look,i know they wanted me to stay out of trouble and wanted people to say that they care about their child. But,isn't it fake? maybe they thought that its okey. Its just not the time yet. But do they know what the child's feel? Yeah,maybe you always take them out to the mall on the weekend but is your child happy about that? You can just buy what they want and thats make you think that they are happy? They didnt need anything other than memories. Good memories. You know what i meant?
I never felt FREEDOM FOREVER before. I just felt FREEDOM FOR THE DAY sometimes. I don't know if there some one else pernah experience this. But,its been 16 years i've been waiting.
But,i never complain anything to my parents.I know that they know the best. So,its part of my life now. I never bother waiting actually. But sometimes you just need someone to know right?
Saturday, 29 December 2012
Friday, 28 December 2012
1 more years!
Assalamualaikumss people! Looking great ha today? (like i can see you through the screen -,-) Anyway,have a wonderful time reading my blogs :)
1 more years for what? Ah, i feel like i'm still day dreams! I have 1 more years lagi to wake up in the morning wearing uniform,take school bus to go to school! Rasa macam i just baru masuk form 1 last year. After next year im going to catch my dreams. Being fashion designer like i always wanted. Being famous with my design just like in my dreams. Being rich!. Go to an amazing trip with my parents! working! enjoy my time with my friends! and finally finding someone who's meant to be with ME!
Ah,thats tough! If you don't know me and trying to know me it will be hard forr you MAN!
I'm looking for a man, not a boy. They need to have alot of patience controlling my attitude. Because some time I can be UNMATURED (hahaha,buat malu ja) But,the best part of me is,i'm a shy type and i'm very caring (wahh,puji diri sendri :P) And loyalty is me. HAHA. Dah-dah. Sekarang is not the time for you to mengorat me because i'm seeing someone <--- :) . Nah,he just my type and im hoping he's the one.
I wonder why some people tak percaya yang long term relationship tak boleh tahan lama. For me,if you love that person (dengan ikhlas!) and you care them much, theres nothing to loose right? Maybe it's your luck dapat kenal your jodoh awal. ALHAMDULILLAH la. You know what? Im aiming for that. I want those type of long term relationship. Terpulang pada individu lah kan. Getting to marry the person that you know in those long term? It's good right? But there is also negative part in it. Sometimes people get boring too. Its mostly related to guys. They get bored and thats why they end it up. Hahh! Whatever! Kalau dah jodoh tak lari kemana (he said once to me)
I trust ALLAH. He knows the best for me! May the best men win!
1 more years for what? Ah, i feel like i'm still day dreams! I have 1 more years lagi to wake up in the morning wearing uniform,take school bus to go to school! Rasa macam i just baru masuk form 1 last year. After next year im going to catch my dreams. Being fashion designer like i always wanted. Being famous with my design just like in my dreams. Being rich!. Go to an amazing trip with my parents! working! enjoy my time with my friends! and finally finding someone who's meant to be with ME!
Ah,thats tough! If you don't know me and trying to know me it will be hard forr you MAN!

I wonder why some people tak percaya yang long term relationship tak boleh tahan lama. For me,if you love that person (dengan ikhlas!) and you care them much, theres nothing to loose right? Maybe it's your luck dapat kenal your jodoh awal. ALHAMDULILLAH la. You know what? Im aiming for that. I want those type of long term relationship. Terpulang pada individu lah kan. Getting to marry the person that you know in those long term? It's good right? But there is also negative part in it. Sometimes people get boring too. Its mostly related to guys. They get bored and thats why they end it up. Hahh! Whatever! Kalau dah jodoh tak lari kemana (he said once to me)
I trust ALLAH. He knows the best for me! May the best men win!
Tuesday, 25 December 2012
Do what you need to do.
Dearly beloved readers. Thank you very much for spending time here in my blog. Hope you have the inspiration. So lets continue about the topic.
Some people need someone else to help them to choose things about their own life. Because they was afraid of making decision. They was afraid that the decision that they choose will go wrong and ruin their entire life. So,they ask someone else to choose it for them. But when they choose,you will thought that it was the best. And nothing will goes wrong. Yah,i've experience it. But when they choose it for you sometimes it wont satisfied you but it will satisfied them. If you didn't make the decision on your own sometimes you will loose a couple things,and will never experience nothing too.
Its okey to get hurt about your decision. That whats people do. MAKING A MISTAKE! And from that mistake,they've got to learn something new too. When you ask people to choose between cheese burger or a prosperety burger and they will ask you to choose cheese burger and you follow, then you're a fool! You can get cheese burger every where,but you only can find prosperety burger in Mc donalds and the time are limited pulak tu! You get what i meant?
Do what you need to do! Make a decision YOURSELF!
Some people need someone else to help them to choose things about their own life. Because they was afraid of making decision. They was afraid that the decision that they choose will go wrong and ruin their entire life. So,they ask someone else to choose it for them. But when they choose,you will thought that it was the best. And nothing will goes wrong. Yah,i've experience it. But when they choose it for you sometimes it wont satisfied you but it will satisfied them. If you didn't make the decision on your own sometimes you will loose a couple things,and will never experience nothing too.
Its okey to get hurt about your decision. That whats people do. MAKING A MISTAKE! And from that mistake,they've got to learn something new too. When you ask people to choose between cheese burger or a prosperety burger and they will ask you to choose cheese burger and you follow, then you're a fool! You can get cheese burger every where,but you only can find prosperety burger in Mc donalds and the time are limited pulak tu! You get what i meant?
Do what you need to do! Make a decision YOURSELF!
Sunday, 23 December 2012
Hong Kong
Hello there people. Ignore my scarf there,3 hours dalam flight. What do you expect ha? Dah nak tidur dah pun time tuh sampai pun about 10 something dekat sana. The weather tak berapa sejuk this time. Saja ja pakai sweater sebab malas nak pegang.
Second day treat. Chinese food. Not my type. Alot of seafood.Wany tak berapa suka. So,wany tak makan sgt masa ni. Kat sni ada rmai Indonesian people,mybe tgah study kot kat situ. Kat sini like Islam teritory.
They call this boat as 'Sampan'. Besar nya sampan. And drivernya pulak perempuan. Perempuan pulak tua2. Steady lah bila bawak sampan tu. View bila naik sampan ni kiri kanan ada mcm2 jenis kapal. Besar2 Kecil2.Laut diaorang kalau korang tgok dari gambar ni pun dah tahu. Sikit mia bersih dan jernih ooo. Banyak la jugak sampan kat situ,tour guide tu cakap about 20 sampan yg ada. And passenger yg nak naik samapan ni mestilah maximum 20 people ja. Kalau lebih dari 20 akan dikenakan saman. Sebab balai polis depan ni ja. Fees nya mahal dong. Sorang satu kepala is 55 dolar. Takpela.Bukan selalu dapat naik sampan en. Hehe
Lepas dah seronok naik sampan tu,kiteorang kena p kedai emas ni.Dah p pun dengan tourism guide memang terpaksa hadir lah tempat-tempat yg boring macam ni. Ibu bapa kami smua sebok tgok barang emas,kami sebok snap picture kat cermin. Sapa suruh letak cermin besar-besar. Hahaha. Yg laki-laki tu paksu wany. Eleh muka ja garang tapi makan koko crunch. Hahaha. Yg pegang camera tu cozen yg gemok tu wany lah. hahaha
Setelah satu jam di kedai emas yg teramat boring tu,kami escape pergi mall. Kedai ni menarik perhatian wany terutamanya pakcik wany. Bnyak gitar kat situ. Macam-macam jenis ada. Tengok ja pun. Bukan beli. Gila kau Jah,jenoh nak bok balik Mal;aysia. Hahaha
Selepas sehari penat bershopping,keesokkan harinya kami pergi ke syurga. HAhaha. Syurga permainan lah. Jangan silap tafsir! Ini pas masuk wany,WOODY! Orang kat sini tak seramai macam wany g Universal studio haritu. Sesak sampai tak dapat main beberapa roller coaster. Tapi,dekat disneylang ni more like kids. Tak banyak roller coaster. Roller coasternya pun tidak extreme (ceh,cakap macam berani :D)
Ini adalah roller coaster yg paling gila dan menakutkan dekat situ. Wany beranikan driri jgak naik,sebab kalau tak naik rugi lakan. Lepas naik tu,dah bersumpah taknak naik dah. Hahaha. Kau tengok la sendiri eyk Jah. Gila scary! Tak terjerit wany. hahaha.
Malam pukul 9 macam tu,pertunjukkan bunga api yg sangat cantik dekat palace cinderella. Cantik sangat. You should watch!
Lepas sehari berlalu wany satu keluarga pergilah berjalan-jalan kat luar hotel yg kami menetap,Hollywood hotel. Hotel tu macam istana idaman. Cantik sangat. Macam tak nak balik ja time ni. And for your info, sejuk gila tahap maximum mia time ni. Wany plak lupa bok turun sweater. Menggeletar habis doh.
Anyway it is a magical holiday of the year :)
Second day treat. Chinese food. Not my type. Alot of seafood.Wany tak berapa suka. So,wany tak makan sgt masa ni. Kat sni ada rmai Indonesian people,mybe tgah study kot kat situ. Kat sini like Islam teritory.
They call this boat as 'Sampan'. Besar nya sampan. And drivernya pulak perempuan. Perempuan pulak tua2. Steady lah bila bawak sampan tu. View bila naik sampan ni kiri kanan ada mcm2 jenis kapal. Besar2 Kecil2.Laut diaorang kalau korang tgok dari gambar ni pun dah tahu. Sikit mia bersih dan jernih ooo. Banyak la jugak sampan kat situ,tour guide tu cakap about 20 sampan yg ada. And passenger yg nak naik samapan ni mestilah maximum 20 people ja. Kalau lebih dari 20 akan dikenakan saman. Sebab balai polis depan ni ja. Fees nya mahal dong. Sorang satu kepala is 55 dolar. Takpela.Bukan selalu dapat naik sampan en. Hehe
Lepas dah seronok naik sampan tu,kiteorang kena p kedai emas ni.Dah p pun dengan tourism guide memang terpaksa hadir lah tempat-tempat yg boring macam ni. Ibu bapa kami smua sebok tgok barang emas,kami sebok snap picture kat cermin. Sapa suruh letak cermin besar-besar. Hahaha. Yg laki-laki tu paksu wany. Eleh muka ja garang tapi makan koko crunch. Hahaha. Yg pegang camera tu cozen yg gemok tu wany lah. hahaha
Setelah satu jam di kedai emas yg teramat boring tu,kami escape pergi mall. Kedai ni menarik perhatian wany terutamanya pakcik wany. Bnyak gitar kat situ. Macam-macam jenis ada. Tengok ja pun. Bukan beli. Gila kau Jah,jenoh nak bok balik Mal;aysia. Hahaha
Selepas sehari penat bershopping,keesokkan harinya kami pergi ke syurga. HAhaha. Syurga permainan lah. Jangan silap tafsir! Ini pas masuk wany,WOODY! Orang kat sini tak seramai macam wany g Universal studio haritu. Sesak sampai tak dapat main beberapa roller coaster. Tapi,dekat disneylang ni more like kids. Tak banyak roller coaster. Roller coasternya pun tidak extreme (ceh,cakap macam berani :D)
Ini adalah roller coaster yg paling gila dan menakutkan dekat situ. Wany beranikan driri jgak naik,sebab kalau tak naik rugi lakan. Lepas naik tu,dah bersumpah taknak naik dah. Hahaha. Kau tengok la sendiri eyk Jah. Gila scary! Tak terjerit wany. hahaha.
Malam pukul 9 macam tu,pertunjukkan bunga api yg sangat cantik dekat palace cinderella. Cantik sangat. You should watch!
Lepas sehari berlalu wany satu keluarga pergilah berjalan-jalan kat luar hotel yg kami menetap,Hollywood hotel. Hotel tu macam istana idaman. Cantik sangat. Macam tak nak balik ja time ni. And for your info, sejuk gila tahap maximum mia time ni. Wany plak lupa bok turun sweater. Menggeletar habis doh.
Anyway it is a magical holiday of the year :)
Friday, 7 December 2012
Massage to ex
Dear blogger readers.Im here again.Thanks for stopping by here.Hari ni wany kind of tak berapa sihat.Selera makan pun hilang.So,wany tk makan dari pagi tadi.Still,tk rasa lapar.Kalau everyday hilang selera makan macam ni senang la wany nak loose weight kan?Tambah-tambah cuti sekolah gini memang wany tak kenal erti kenyang tu apa.Hahaha. Asyik buka peti sejuk ja cari makanan. Mesti ada sja idea wany nak masak apa.Hahaha.
Here are some massage to my ex. Thank you for leaving me. Because of you I learn how to live. Because of you, aku kenal dunia yang aku sedang pijak ni. Because of you, aku independent untuk jaga hati aku bila dilukai. Because of you, I learn from my mistake. Because of you, aku belajar untuk cari lelaki idaman aku dan bukan idaman perempuan. Dan yang paling penting,because of you aku jumpa someone yang jauh lebih berbeza from you.
Everyone has a past. And from the past we make it as our memori. And from the past to we learn alot from it. My past is my nightmare. I learn alot from it.
Here are some massage to my ex. Thank you for leaving me. Because of you I learn how to live. Because of you, aku kenal dunia yang aku sedang pijak ni. Because of you, aku independent untuk jaga hati aku bila dilukai. Because of you, I learn from my mistake. Because of you, aku belajar untuk cari lelaki idaman aku dan bukan idaman perempuan. Dan yang paling penting,because of you aku jumpa someone yang jauh lebih berbeza from you.
Everyone has a past. And from the past we make it as our memori. And from the past to we learn alot from it. My past is my nightmare. I learn alot from it.
Monday, 3 December 2012
Hello there folks! How is your day? Harap korang semua enjoy blog walking kat sini. Welcome to my site. Kat sini wany suka share some of my experience dgn korang. Memandangkan wany sudah nak masuk tingkatan lima tahun depan dan akan menduduki SPM wany mestilah kena ada cita-cita kan. Tapi la kan,wany amatlah buntu sekali dengan apa yg wany nak jadi nanti? Wany suka arts. Tapi dalam arts ada pelbagai bidang. Bidang tu yang wany buntu.
Pilihan pertama wany ialah untuk nak jadi Fesyen Designer untuk muslimah moden. But,wany tak tahu menjahit. Kalau nak masuk kelas menjahit pun sempat ka wany nak mahir dalam bidang menjahit ni. Yela,mesti ada banyak benda yg kita perlu tahu kan? Kalau nak suruh design tu dah A dah. Menjahit ja yg spoil.
Pilihan kedua wany pulak nak bukak Bakery. Wany pandai la jugak buat kek. Wany dah pernah buat Oreo cheese cake, muffin, marble cake, white chocolate cake, dan cupcakes. Wany teramatlah minat buat kek. Tapi wany kena ada my mom kat sebelah baru kek tu jadi :D Tak bukan ape,wany ni banyak soal sikit. Yela takut tak jadi buat rugi ja butter tu smua. Mahal tau.
Pilihan terakhir wany,jadi model muslimah je la. Perempuan mana yang taknak jadi model kan? Tinggi wany pun dah 162 cm (cukup tak :D) Kalau boleh wany nak jadi top model terus (mengadanya aku :P). Tapi masalahnya. Takkan seumur hidup wany nak jadi model kot. Aduh,buntu la. Mana satu nak pilih ni.
Susah sangat kalau nanti nak cari cita-cita,kahwin dengan anak orang kaya dduk macam raja kat rumah lagi senang. Bulan-bulan income masuk. Hahhahaha. Kejam :D
Pilihan pertama wany ialah untuk nak jadi Fesyen Designer untuk muslimah moden. But,wany tak tahu menjahit. Kalau nak masuk kelas menjahit pun sempat ka wany nak mahir dalam bidang menjahit ni. Yela,mesti ada banyak benda yg kita perlu tahu kan? Kalau nak suruh design tu dah A dah. Menjahit ja yg spoil.
Pilihan kedua wany pulak nak bukak Bakery. Wany pandai la jugak buat kek. Wany dah pernah buat Oreo cheese cake, muffin, marble cake, white chocolate cake, dan cupcakes. Wany teramatlah minat buat kek. Tapi wany kena ada my mom kat sebelah baru kek tu jadi :D Tak bukan ape,wany ni banyak soal sikit. Yela takut tak jadi buat rugi ja butter tu smua. Mahal tau.
Pilihan terakhir wany,jadi model muslimah je la. Perempuan mana yang taknak jadi model kan? Tinggi wany pun dah 162 cm (cukup tak :D) Kalau boleh wany nak jadi top model terus (mengadanya aku :P). Tapi masalahnya. Takkan seumur hidup wany nak jadi model kot. Aduh,buntu la. Mana satu nak pilih ni.
Susah sangat kalau nanti nak cari cita-cita,kahwin dengan anak orang kaya dduk macam raja kat rumah lagi senang. Bulan-bulan income masuk. Hahhahaha. Kejam :D
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