So, its been quite awhile since i updated the last blog which is about my dad. I hope my dad doesn't find out. Tah ape plak dia nak sindir nanti. Anyway its been a tough months. Especially bila result dah kluar ni so kena fikir about next level pulak. Aiyoo, selagi keputusan upu tak kluar selagi tu la my parents wont stop talking about the same thing. IDKY! sape yg nak sambung blajar. Its like them yg nak sambung blajar.Haha

with butter lemon sauce.

Anyway restaurant tu is a bit mahal laa makanan dia like what I eat just now is 10 ringgit something soo kalau setakat 2 kepala wany mampu la nak bayar. Ni my dad got 6 kepala including him to pay soo dia kena around 90 something laa. Its worth the price laa. The food is good,the place is calm although dia bukan macam tempat restaurant mahal2 tu tempat makan dia bawah pandir jaa. Kalau korang nak try makan pergila dekat area Tanjung Pinang depan island plaza area rumah panjang PENANG. Sedapp. I give them 5/5 star.
Sooo, i think its a wrap. Next week maybe im gonna sambung form 6 dekat sekolah Methodist Boy School. Omg, BOYS. Wish me luck yaa. Till we meet again on the next blog. Bye. Assalamualaikum ,Jawab dapat pahala :)
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