Friday, 16 May 2014

Assalamualaikum,jawab laa kalau nak dapat pahala.

Tahun ni adalah tahun yang sangat mencabar. Mungkin sebab wany baru nak membesar dan baru nak kenal dunia kot. Tp,Tuhan saja  tahu betapa kuatnya wany nak tempuhi ni semua. Kadang tu nak give up saja.
Lepas satu selesai,satu lagi yang datang. Kadang tu wany sampai fikir whats the point of living asyik ditimpa bala macam ni. I know Allah tgah uji wany.

You see, I have the fear of being alone. Kat rumah i'm not a talking person. I rarely bersuara kat rumah with my family,kat skolah my teacher said i'm the loudest person in the class but with him i'm being myself. Now, he left. He left me,for the sake of his future katanya. Im soo sad. We have been together for three years. It feels like growing up together. Ya Allah, I want him back :(

Dia tu macam my strength. I'm a very weak person dia tu macam my vitamin yg mencerdaskan wany. Why do he have to leave? Its fine for me if we have long distance relationship. Haihh.

Now, he's back. But, he's not the same anymore. But, I still thankful. Adlise he didnt leave me terus.

I'm soo heartbroken~

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