Assalamualaikum,jawab laa kalau nak dapat pahala.
Tahun ni adalah tahun yang sangat mencabar. Mungkin sebab wany baru nak membesar dan baru nak kenal dunia kot. Tp,Tuhan saja tahu betapa kuatnya wany nak tempuhi ni semua. Kadang tu nak give up saja.
Lepas satu selesai,satu lagi yang datang. Kadang tu wany sampai fikir whats the point of living asyik ditimpa bala macam ni. I know Allah tgah uji wany.
You see, I have the fear of being alone. Kat rumah i'm not a talking person. I rarely bersuara kat rumah with my family,kat skolah my teacher said i'm the loudest person in the class but with him i'm being myself. Now, he left. He left me,for the sake of his future katanya. Im soo sad. We have been together for three years. It feels like growing up together. Ya Allah, I want him back :(
Dia tu macam my strength. I'm a very weak person dia tu macam my vitamin yg mencerdaskan wany. Why do he have to leave? Its fine for me if we have long distance relationship. Haihh.
Now, he's back. But, he's not the same anymore. But, I still thankful. Adlise he didnt leave me terus.
I'm soo heartbroken~
Friday, 16 May 2014
Monday, 5 May 2014
Assalamualaikum, jawab laa nak kalau nak dapat pahal
Holla,Hai,Hello :)
Soo, today's story is about me getting into form 6. OMG! Yaa, I know, susah and what so ever. Well, I need to use my brain. I need to active my brain. My brain is resting for too long now. Its time to get back to work.
So, I was chosen to go to Methodist Boys School. Maybe because im from Methodist Girls School. Soo, a brief talk about that school. Its BIG! I mean theres alot of building. They even got thier own muzium-,- . You could get lost there. HAHA.
Well, I choose form 6 rather than going to college is because:
1. Its the money problem
2.Waiting for IPTA result
3. Bored sitting at home
4. Need saving. HAHA
5. My wishlist to be in sekolah campur achieve!
Well, wany tak aim on STPM. If I got any tawaran from IPTA I'm sure I'll grab it. But if I'm comfortable in that school and feel like that subject that I take is senang or boleh tahan I think I'll stay.
But there's also problem taking form 6 :
1. They have kokorikulum (im sure all student hate it)
2. They have sports day
3. They have extra meetings
4. Wearing school uniform
5. Waking up early to school
6. Going home by bus while waiting my JPJ test settled!
7. Boys flirting (because im a shy and penakut kind of girl)
8. Going back home late
I thought hari ni is just a day where you come and sign in to school,give documents,listen too instruction or etc. and going home as early as it can and not coming back tomorrow because class start on the next month.
but, NOOOOOO!!!!
But, i'll try to fit in. Okey? Wish me luck! Chao! Assalamualaikum. Jawaab la klau nak dapat pahala:)
Holla,Hai,Hello :)
Soo, today's story is about me getting into form 6. OMG! Yaa, I know, susah and what so ever. Well, I need to use my brain. I need to active my brain. My brain is resting for too long now. Its time to get back to work.
So, I was chosen to go to Methodist Boys School. Maybe because im from Methodist Girls School. Soo, a brief talk about that school. Its BIG! I mean theres alot of building. They even got thier own muzium-,- . You could get lost there. HAHA.
Well, I choose form 6 rather than going to college is because:
1. Its the money problem
2.Waiting for IPTA result
3. Bored sitting at home
4. Need saving. HAHA
5. My wishlist to be in sekolah campur achieve!
Well, wany tak aim on STPM. If I got any tawaran from IPTA I'm sure I'll grab it. But if I'm comfortable in that school and feel like that subject that I take is senang or boleh tahan I think I'll stay.
But there's also problem taking form 6 :
1. They have kokorikulum (im sure all student hate it)
2. They have sports day
3. They have extra meetings
4. Wearing school uniform
5. Waking up early to school
6. Going home by bus while waiting my JPJ test settled!
7. Boys flirting (because im a shy and penakut kind of girl)
8. Going back home late
I thought hari ni is just a day where you come and sign in to school,give documents,listen too instruction or etc. and going home as early as it can and not coming back tomorrow because class start on the next month.
but, NOOOOOO!!!!
But, i'll try to fit in. Okey? Wish me luck! Chao! Assalamualaikum. Jawaab la klau nak dapat pahala:)
Wednesday, 30 April 2014
Assalamualaikum,jawab dapat pahala :)
So, its been quite awhile since i updated the last blog which is about my dad. I hope my dad doesn't find out. Tah ape plak dia nak sindir nanti. Anyway its been a tough months. Especially bila result dah kluar ni so kena fikir about next level pulak. Aiyoo, selagi keputusan upu tak kluar selagi tu la my parents wont stop talking about the same thing. IDKY! sape yg nak sambung blajar. Its like them yg nak sambung blajar.Haha
Soo, i just got back from dinner. Selalunya wany kalau pergi kedai tu wany mesti order chicken grill with blackpaper sauce which is they will serve us 3 paha ayam and with the sideorders. But today kindda kenyang soo wany pilih something yg very simple saja iaitu fish falet
with butter lemon sauce.
While tengah makan tu ada seekor kucing ni dok keliling meja kami. Tapi dok nampak macam dia dok aim dekat wany. Wany actually love kucing but everytime bila kucing lalu bawah kaki ka or nak pegang kucing ka wany jadi takut. IDKY! Maybe sebab wany geli kot. Hahaha. This kucing he jongak kepala dia and look at me , seriously dia buat muka sebijik macam puss in boots tu. Hahahaha. Wany dah takut dah time tu sbab dok rasa macam dia nak lompat atas my lap. Owner kedai tu pun datang nak ambil kucing tu but my dad say never mind. I thought kucing tu nak makan soo wany pun letak laa makanan sikit kat bawah dia taknak. Its like dia nak dibelai. Hahaha. Sooo cute. Manja rupanyaa. But scary,he keep looking at me and do the puss in boots thing. Hahaha.
Anyway restaurant tu is a bit mahal laa makanan dia like what I eat just now is 10 ringgit something soo kalau setakat 2 kepala wany mampu la nak bayar. Ni my dad got 6 kepala including him to pay soo dia kena around 90 something laa. Its worth the price laa. The food is good,the place is calm although dia bukan macam tempat restaurant mahal2 tu tempat makan dia bawah pandir jaa. Kalau korang nak try makan pergila dekat area Tanjung Pinang depan island plaza area rumah panjang PENANG. Sedapp. I give them 5/5 star.
Sooo, i think its a wrap. Next week maybe im gonna sambung form 6 dekat sekolah Methodist Boy School. Omg, BOYS. Wish me luck yaa. Till we meet again on the next blog. Bye. Assalamualaikum ,Jawab dapat pahala :)
So, its been quite awhile since i updated the last blog which is about my dad. I hope my dad doesn't find out. Tah ape plak dia nak sindir nanti. Anyway its been a tough months. Especially bila result dah kluar ni so kena fikir about next level pulak. Aiyoo, selagi keputusan upu tak kluar selagi tu la my parents wont stop talking about the same thing. IDKY! sape yg nak sambung blajar. Its like them yg nak sambung blajar.Haha

with butter lemon sauce.

Anyway restaurant tu is a bit mahal laa makanan dia like what I eat just now is 10 ringgit something soo kalau setakat 2 kepala wany mampu la nak bayar. Ni my dad got 6 kepala including him to pay soo dia kena around 90 something laa. Its worth the price laa. The food is good,the place is calm although dia bukan macam tempat restaurant mahal2 tu tempat makan dia bawah pandir jaa. Kalau korang nak try makan pergila dekat area Tanjung Pinang depan island plaza area rumah panjang PENANG. Sedapp. I give them 5/5 star.
Sooo, i think its a wrap. Next week maybe im gonna sambung form 6 dekat sekolah Methodist Boy School. Omg, BOYS. Wish me luck yaa. Till we meet again on the next blog. Bye. Assalamualaikum ,Jawab dapat pahala :)
Monday, 3 February 2014
Assalamualaikum,diharap semua dalam keadaan yg sihat. Hahaha. Klisheynyaa. Anyway sejak zaman sekolah dah berakhir ni boring sangat dduk dekat rumah. Yelaa,kerja tak boleh nak keluar bercuti dngan kengkawan pun tk boleh lagi. My dad say that i'm still young. Common lah abah dah 18 kot. Then he says he knows best and one day i'll be thankfull to him. Erghh,typicall dad!
But,I was lucky to have a dad that is sooo over protective like him. Tambah tambah i'm the eldest daughter. Sometimes he do make me hate him maybe sebab my dad is a man yang suka marah even my friends especially my guy friends rasa takut bila tengok muka my dad.But no one knows my dad ni is actually a funny guy. He likes to make joke, and dia suka sangat sindir orang. There's one day after SPM my dad suruh g beli seluar jeans baru because I jadi gemuk masa SPM , maybe stress kot soo my jeans dah ketat. And my dad dia tak suka her daughters pakai skinny jeans. He said bila pakai skinny jeans ni sama ja macam tak pakai seluar, dedahkan aurat. So, I bought straight cut jeans. Masa dekat dalam fitting room my mom dok p balik p balik kluar masuk fiiting room tu sebab tak muat. At that time my dad sindir I and say that i'm going to be fat and takkan kurus balik. At that moment I cry. Hahahaha. Sakit hati kot. Bukan nak bagi suggestion mcam mana nak kurus ke apa ke. But, instead of that he peli me. Ergh.
My dad is also a guy yang pentingkan soal agama. Solat lima waktu is a serious matter to him. Even though we travel outstation alot but solat is a MUST! There's one day dekat Hong Kong Disneyland takde surau but dah niat nak buat solat jamak terakhir, my dad pakse kitaorang solat dekat food court situ. There's one place dekat hujung food court tu kosong soo my dad just bbuh sejadah and ambil wudhu dkat toilet and solat dkat situ. At first I am a little bit malu,but after selesai solat tu there's alot of muslim solat dekat situ after they saw us did. Then I feel proud.
Here are something that I've found out :
Bukan sahaja saraan malah seorang bapa bertanggungjawab memberikan didikan, bimbingan, kasih sayang dan perhatian yang tidak berbelah bahagi kepada anak.
Rasulullah mengajar agar anak-anak dibentuk sikap dan akhlaknya melalui empat peringkat usia:
1. Umur bawah enam tahun: Dibentuk melalui bermain, bermanja dan bergurau.
2. Umur tujuh hingga 14 tahun: Dibentuk secara mengajar dan mendisiplin.
3. Umur 15 hingga 21 tahun: Mendidik melalui berkawan.
4. Umur melebihi 21 tahun: Diberikan kebebasan bertindak sementara ibu bapa sebagai penasihat.
Saranan Rasulullah ini ditujukan kepada kedua-dua ibu dan bapa. Malah, para ulama menetapkan tanggungjawab mendidik anak-anak lebih perlu dimainkan oleh seorang bapa.
Firman Allah yang bermaksud: “Dan perintahkanlah keluargamu (serta umatmu) mengerjakan solat dan engkau hendaklah bersabar menunaikannya. Kami tidak pernah meminta rezeki kepadamu, (bahkan) Kamilah yang memberi rezeki kepadamu. Dan (ingatlah) kesudahan yang baik hanya bagi orang-orang yang bertakwa.” - Surah Toha: 132.
But,I was lucky to have a dad that is sooo over protective like him. Tambah tambah i'm the eldest daughter. Sometimes he do make me hate him maybe sebab my dad is a man yang suka marah even my friends especially my guy friends rasa takut bila tengok muka my dad.But no one knows my dad ni is actually a funny guy. He likes to make joke, and dia suka sangat sindir orang. There's one day after SPM my dad suruh g beli seluar jeans baru because I jadi gemuk masa SPM , maybe stress kot soo my jeans dah ketat. And my dad dia tak suka her daughters pakai skinny jeans. He said bila pakai skinny jeans ni sama ja macam tak pakai seluar, dedahkan aurat. So, I bought straight cut jeans. Masa dekat dalam fitting room my mom dok p balik p balik kluar masuk fiiting room tu sebab tak muat. At that time my dad sindir I and say that i'm going to be fat and takkan kurus balik. At that moment I cry. Hahahaha. Sakit hati kot. Bukan nak bagi suggestion mcam mana nak kurus ke apa ke. But, instead of that he peli me. Ergh.
My dad is also a guy yang pentingkan soal agama. Solat lima waktu is a serious matter to him. Even though we travel outstation alot but solat is a MUST! There's one day dekat Hong Kong Disneyland takde surau but dah niat nak buat solat jamak terakhir, my dad pakse kitaorang solat dekat food court situ. There's one place dekat hujung food court tu kosong soo my dad just bbuh sejadah and ambil wudhu dkat toilet and solat dkat situ. At first I am a little bit malu,but after selesai solat tu there's alot of muslim solat dekat situ after they saw us did. Then I feel proud.
Here are something that I've found out :
Bukan sahaja saraan malah seorang bapa bertanggungjawab memberikan didikan, bimbingan, kasih sayang dan perhatian yang tidak berbelah bahagi kepada anak.
Rasulullah mengajar agar anak-anak dibentuk sikap dan akhlaknya melalui empat peringkat usia:
1. Umur bawah enam tahun: Dibentuk melalui bermain, bermanja dan bergurau.
2. Umur tujuh hingga 14 tahun: Dibentuk secara mengajar dan mendisiplin.
3. Umur 15 hingga 21 tahun: Mendidik melalui berkawan.
4. Umur melebihi 21 tahun: Diberikan kebebasan bertindak sementara ibu bapa sebagai penasihat.
Saranan Rasulullah ini ditujukan kepada kedua-dua ibu dan bapa. Malah, para ulama menetapkan tanggungjawab mendidik anak-anak lebih perlu dimainkan oleh seorang bapa.
Firman Allah yang bermaksud: “Dan perintahkanlah keluargamu (serta umatmu) mengerjakan solat dan engkau hendaklah bersabar menunaikannya. Kami tidak pernah meminta rezeki kepadamu, (bahkan) Kamilah yang memberi rezeki kepadamu. Dan (ingatlah) kesudahan yang baik hanya bagi orang-orang yang bertakwa.” - Surah Toha: 132.
Soo, korang yg ada bapa,abi,abah,papa, masing masing pnya gelaran, sayangilah diaorang sementara diaorang masih ada. Dengar cakap. Jadi anak yg soleh/solehah. Kepada yg dah tiada ayah tu selalu sedekahkan al-fatihah buat amal yg baik dan yang paling penting jaga nama baik diaorang. Insyaallah.
Kita jumpa lagi di post yg seterusnya. Assalamualaikum, jawablah untuk dapat pahala :)
Sunday, 19 January 2014
Thursday, 2 January 2014
Assalamualaikum .
Have you ever feel very guilt before? 2 years before, wany ada bestfriend bestfriend yang tak pernah hampakan wany and tak pernah backstab wany. But, with my silly mistake,wany gaduh dgn diaorang and transfer to a new school and find a new friends. I found a friend. I trust her so much and swear not to do the same mistake. I tell her almost everything. I stand up for her. But, when kami dah tak sama kelas,she started to change. She found a new friend. Well, I think they are bestfriend now. Yela, everywhere together. Balik skolah pun together. So, at first bestfriend mana yg tak jeles kan. So, I diam.
One day bestfriend dia tu excident and takdapat nak datang sekolah. And during the period masa bestfriend dia tu tak datang, dia selalu dduk dgn wany and tell alot of things and we act like normal again. But apparently sebaik saja the first day kawan baik dia tu dtg sekolah muka wany pun dia dah taknak pandang. And from that moment I found out yg dia tu dah tak worth it. Dia rapat dgn wany pun because Im totally sure dia nak korek rahsia and make it bad dekat bestfriend baru dia tu. So, wany amek tindakan untuk tidak berkawan dgn orang yg mcm tu.
Then after sebulan kisah ni berlalu, my bestfriend from my ex school yg wany gaduh sampai tukar sekolah and everything tu text me and say how much she miss me. At that point, wany rasa bersalah sgt sebab pernah bergaduh dgn diaorang. Actually gaduh pun sebab taknak dia ke jalan yg salah. Ada lah misunderstanding sikit membuatkan kami bergaduh. Now, walaupun dah berbaik balik everytime when we jumpa balik. Everything is different. I feel like im an outsiders dari diaorg. I dont know a thing about what they are talking about and I feel like a stranger.
From now on, I make a promise to not to do that again and to be very carefull bila nak cari teman. Now, my only bestfriend is my only boyfriend. I hope he didn't leave me too.
Have you ever feel very guilt before? 2 years before, wany ada bestfriend bestfriend yang tak pernah hampakan wany and tak pernah backstab wany. But, with my silly mistake,wany gaduh dgn diaorang and transfer to a new school and find a new friends. I found a friend. I trust her so much and swear not to do the same mistake. I tell her almost everything. I stand up for her. But, when kami dah tak sama kelas,she started to change. She found a new friend. Well, I think they are bestfriend now. Yela, everywhere together. Balik skolah pun together. So, at first bestfriend mana yg tak jeles kan. So, I diam.
One day bestfriend dia tu excident and takdapat nak datang sekolah. And during the period masa bestfriend dia tu tak datang, dia selalu dduk dgn wany and tell alot of things and we act like normal again. But apparently sebaik saja the first day kawan baik dia tu dtg sekolah muka wany pun dia dah taknak pandang. And from that moment I found out yg dia tu dah tak worth it. Dia rapat dgn wany pun because Im totally sure dia nak korek rahsia and make it bad dekat bestfriend baru dia tu. So, wany amek tindakan untuk tidak berkawan dgn orang yg mcm tu.
Then after sebulan kisah ni berlalu, my bestfriend from my ex school yg wany gaduh sampai tukar sekolah and everything tu text me and say how much she miss me. At that point, wany rasa bersalah sgt sebab pernah bergaduh dgn diaorang. Actually gaduh pun sebab taknak dia ke jalan yg salah. Ada lah misunderstanding sikit membuatkan kami bergaduh. Now, walaupun dah berbaik balik everytime when we jumpa balik. Everything is different. I feel like im an outsiders dari diaorg. I dont know a thing about what they are talking about and I feel like a stranger.
From now on, I make a promise to not to do that again and to be very carefull bila nak cari teman. Now, my only bestfriend is my only boyfriend. I hope he didn't leave me too.
Assalamualikum :)
Lamanya tak post. Dulu,susah sgt nak update kat blog ni. Now,SPM DAH HABIS !!! soooo,insyaallah wany akan mula aktifkan diri dalam blog ni. I like to like diaries actually,I started wrote it since I was 12. But sometimes I just like to share and maybe boleh jd inspiration kpd some readers. [entah ada org baca ke tak pun tk tahu laa] *sedih* . But, if there is someone who read jgn ketawa eyk. Cause i'm like talking to myself here.
Okey back to the story wany. Haihhh,SPM dah habis seminggu yg lepas. Why I still use the *haihhh...* word. I should be enjoying. Now,I need to sedar yg I ni dah besar. Need to be indipendent dah. Ni,nak g ambil lesen kereta pun takut lagi. How am I suppose to go further studies nanti. OMG!
Lepas SPM ni mcam mcam masalh timbul. Semuanya psal individu yg mahu mncari kesalahan dan kelemahan wany. Wany ni terlalu lembut untuk fight back. Make me feel soo stupid kot. Macam senang ja semua orang pijak kepala wany. Mcm mna nak jd pemimpin ni?
Lamanya tak post. Dulu,susah sgt nak update kat blog ni. Now,SPM DAH HABIS !!! soooo,insyaallah wany akan mula aktifkan diri dalam blog ni. I like to like diaries actually,I started wrote it since I was 12. But sometimes I just like to share and maybe boleh jd inspiration kpd some readers. [entah ada org baca ke tak pun tk tahu laa] *sedih* . But, if there is someone who read jgn ketawa eyk. Cause i'm like talking to myself here.
Okey back to the story wany. Haihhh,SPM dah habis seminggu yg lepas. Why I still use the *haihhh...* word. I should be enjoying. Now,I need to sedar yg I ni dah besar. Need to be indipendent dah. Ni,nak g ambil lesen kereta pun takut lagi. How am I suppose to go further studies nanti. OMG!
Lepas SPM ni mcam mcam masalh timbul. Semuanya psal individu yg mahu mncari kesalahan dan kelemahan wany. Wany ni terlalu lembut untuk fight back. Make me feel soo stupid kot. Macam senang ja semua orang pijak kepala wany. Mcm mna nak jd pemimpin ni?
Sometimes apa yang kita nak turn out into apa yg kita taknak. I belive in love-hate story I think. I think its kindda happen to me :)
You see, I met this guy. The weird thing is, bila kali pertama kami jumpa saat mata kami memandang each other theres something macam electromagnet yg kami dapat rasa. You know,rasa macam eh, I met this guy and keep thinking dekat mana ? The question still menjadi tanda tanya antara kami berdua.
Luckily he's kindda friendly guy. He is a friendly guy especially to women. For a women like me memang susah nak tackel and I sendiri don't know why? But he, mcm petik jari ja dah boleh tackle me. But, unfortunately at first I kindda tak suka dengan perangai dia maybe. You know,kindda naughty, suka ejek org especially menyakitkan hati aku is llike pro to him.
One day, I lawan balik bila dia buat perangai and I think because of it I slowly loosing him.
You see, I met this guy. The weird thing is, bila kali pertama kami jumpa saat mata kami memandang each other theres something macam electromagnet yg kami dapat rasa. You know,rasa macam eh, I met this guy and keep thinking dekat mana ? The question still menjadi tanda tanya antara kami berdua.
Luckily he's kindda friendly guy. He is a friendly guy especially to women. For a women like me memang susah nak tackel and I sendiri don't know why? But he, mcm petik jari ja dah boleh tackle me. But, unfortunately at first I kindda tak suka dengan perangai dia maybe. You know,kindda naughty, suka ejek org especially menyakitkan hati aku is llike pro to him.
One day, I lawan balik bila dia buat perangai and I think because of it I slowly loosing him.
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