Assalamualaikum,and salam satu Malaysia to all the people out there. Today I would like to express about what I feel when my history teacher is teaching. As a student, we need a teacher who can educate us in the right way. Not all students in the class has a clever mind and thoughts. Some are less intelligent, who could not continue to exist, and there are dodgy. As a teacher, they must know how to teach in the classroom so that all students in the classroom would understand what they are delivering. As my history teacher, everytime when she enter our classrooms what she will do is to ask us to open the books and she will start to read it and when she found out that, that is an important point,she will ask us to highlight it. For me, if the teacher teach me this way, I can read it by myself. Because all she do is reading it back from the textbook. I mean, she must be teaching history like for many years. I think,she must have memorized everything in the text book. Why is she still using the textbook anyway? Seriously, I literrally could not understand any of the chapters in form 5. This should not happen because SPM is like 1 more months to go from now. How must I cope everything within this period of time?
I wanted a teacher who could just enter our class and act like we're friends. By this way I think student will be more interacting with the teacher. And she doesn't need to open the textbook to teach history. All she need to do is sit by the front table and started to tell us story regarding to the history,she can maybe make jokes with it so that everytime when a student doing thier test they can remember the jokes. I know that history we need to know alot of keywords and the keywords is not just a word,they have alot of it.Literally every chapter. So,the teacher must be creative enough to find out the alternative ways to remember it? In history,they have alot of leader. Some of them are betrayer,some of them are hero and etc. The teachers must know how to tackle the students mind so that they can imagine it and at the same time remember what the leader had done. Then,when she finishes one of the chapters she could do quiz,or acting or maybe scarvenger hunt regarding to history. Come on teachers? You should know what to do.
To my history teacher,i'm sorry if you find out this site and make you feel bad. But, I was right in this. Literally all the students in the class thought the same thing. Its just that for you to know or maybe change your teaching skills next year. Btw, I still appriciate everything that you thought is all the years. This is one of the videos I fond out in Youtube that a bit much what I'm trying to deliver. Btw, keep in touch :)
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